Small Hands Count
From the Children and For the Children

  1. Our Mission
    Our mission is to inspire and motivate our next generation to become more socially aware. Love needs to be passed through generations. Our children will be encouraged to lead and participate in fund raising events and promotional activities. They will also interact with children in need at the institutions partnering with us, as well as work on broader service activities within their own communities.
  2. Our Vision
    Raising socially aware children is the key to a positive future. When you transform a child, both those who volunteer and those in need, you change the future of the world! Our mission is to fully utilize resources and networks available to connect those children who are disadvantaged with those looking to make a positive societal impact. By inspiring, and empowering and guiding our children, we can continuously help less fortunate children worldwide.
  3. Our Plan
    Our five-year strategy is to build an extensive volunteer community, provide social services to more orphans each year, and sponsor charitable activities via proactive fund raising and outreach activities. We encourage partnerships with students and institutions to tackle other social issues as well. Collectively, we are able to identify societal needs and carry out the SHC mission on the ground. Collaboration is key for advancing our mission, and we have to work together hand in hand. Every small hand counts!